Loutra Pozar

Loutra Pozar

Loutra Pozar

Loutra Pozar

Loutra Pozar

Loutra Pozar

Loutra Pozar

Loutra Pozar

Loutra Pozar

Loutra Pozar

Loutra Pozar

Loutra Pozar

Loutra Pozar

Loutra Pozar

Hardly 13 kms from the city of Aridaia are found medicinal springs of Loytraki or differently springs of Pozar.

There are 6 main springs of medicinal waters, that spring through underground rocks.

Its temperature is about 37C and it is called blessing by many people as it heels many diseases and is suitable for spa therapy and drinking therapy.

In the baths exist four internal swimming-pools of dimensions 4m x 2,5m. and 50 individual baths tubes.

You also enjoy the exterior swimming-pool.Baths are completely equipped.

The swimming-pools are like modern spas.

The medicinal baths of Pozar is a destination not only for the olders but also for the youngers one.

invigoration and renewal, far from stress of everyday routine.

Visitors can combine the baths also with outdoors activities, such as, trekking, rafting and skiing in the ski centre of Kaimaktsalan.

As well, the gorge of Loytraki begins here with length 33hml and follows the flow of river.

Do not miss a visit in the first Caves park in Greece. A cluster of 15 caverns was discovered in 1989 with rich discoveries, as fossils of corals, primeval tools and lithographies.